Rant about “friend” 😡😡😡😡😡🤬

I don’t need input because I know what I should do, I just need to rant because dang it, I always let people take advantage of me. So I am two weeks away from my due date and watch a friend of mine’s infant daughter for her while her and her husband are at work. I get her at 5 am and they don’t pick her up until like 6 or 7 sometimes. But get this, the dad gets off work at 2 and it’s a 30 minute drive here so she should be picked up at 2:30. It’s fine, she’s a good baby, I can deal. But our agreement was that she’d pay me every pay day which is twice a month. Yet each payday, she never does. I have to pester her about it for at least a week before she pays me. It’s driving me insane. We have a strict budget that we stick to in order to pay off things like our loan and cars and mortgage and this money was supposed to go towards last minute gifts for mine and my husband’s parents for Christmas. Payday was on the 15th. I’ve asked her three times to pay me, and she ignored me or gave me a bs excuse each time. I still haven’t gotten paid. And then she had the nerve to send me a Snapchat of her shopping. I’m so over it. And I know, I should say something but ugh, I hate being in situations like this. On a side note, any of you ladies have recommendations on jobs that worked well with your schedule with baby? Day and night both work fine! I want that like tea income even though I’m a SAHM. Thanks for reading this lol