So this guy and I have a past. We dated last year which was my sr year in high school and his freshman year in college. We were 6hrs apart and things were hard and he ended up cheating on me. The breakup was hard because I was and am still so incredibly in love with him but he broke my heart and my trust.

Anyways, flash forward to my freshman year of college, we are now only 30mins apart and have been hanging out as friends(we haven’t even kissed) but there is obvious sexual/emotional tension between us. Neither of us are good about talking about our feelings but we both have decided to just see where the road takes us.

I guess I’m asking if you guys think this is a good idea? Idk if I can trust him again, but he is definitely trying to get back in my good graces(taking me out on dates). I’m just super confused and don’t know what to do.