Christmas rant

I got my so exactly what he wanted for Christmas. He asked for it and ordered it himself. But he didn’t get me anything. I didn’t ask but I would just figure he would grab at least flowers or something. He got something that was $200 and I’m here with nothing. Then he leaves me alone to go with his brother. I’m 38 weeks pregnant and first time away from family on the holidays. Don’t know if I’m overreacting or what, I just wanted a nice day with him. I’m just upset that he didn’t even think about me at all. Then blames me saying I didn’t ask for anything. I wasn’t raised to ask for presents, my parents always were just thoughtful and listened throughout the year or just knew me. This is our third Christmas and pretty much the same as the others. I put all the effort and none from him. I haven’t really said anything but should I?? Am I being dramatic or not ladies??