Need some advice

Sorry this is pretty long.

So I’ve been talking to this guy since school started. We met in physics he’s 21 and I’m 19. So things were great we were talking I would go over to his house and we’d hang out. Eventually we started to do a little more... I’m a virgin well I guess not so much anymore, he’s never put it in me but he’d like finger me and rub my clit. He like eased me into this nothing was pressured.

Things were going great then he kinda stopped talking to me which hurt. I would try to talk to him but he’d leave me on read and what not. He tried to hang with me but I’d say no being as I was upset since he stopped talking to me. After a while I finally asked if we could hang one day and he said yes only if I’d explain as to why I was avoiding him. Me avoiding him ha funny. I told him the truth as in he left me on read so I wanted to do the same so he’d know how I felt. He told me he’s been busy and didn’t mean for all this to come across this way. So we hang out and it was great we watched a movie, messed around and we starting talking like about family and what not.

Now here is where I need advice. 1.) I don’t know if he truly likes me or if he just wants my body. 2.) I just can’t seem to talk to him through text without thinking I’m being a bother. I sent merry Christmas to him and was left on read.

I really like this guy and I just don’t know what to do.