45 days late, please help!

hii so i’ll try to keep this short, i haven’t gotten my period in 45 days, yes i have sex with a condom and without a condom, he always pulls out but with a condom on he doesn’t.

my period is always irregular though. once i didn’t get it for 6 months but that’s was a year and a half ago before i started having sex.

i don’t have my symptoms (sickness, mood swings, food craving, etc) but i did see blood in my pee/ poo a little over a month ago but i went to the doctor for that and she said it was nothing. she also did a pregnancy test and came back negative (this was around thanksgiving)

then i had sex twice with condom a week after that.

i can’t get a pregnancy test right now because i’m with my family and they monitor me 24/7 (im 18 btw)

i told my bf and he’s going to get me a pregnancy test but i won’t see him until january 3rd.

i don’t know what to do and i’m looking for advice to calm my nerves, please help!!