Baby shower

Blythe • 34 years young. Pregnant with #1 after 11 months TTC! EDC 3/24/2018

So my MIL is hopefully planning my baby shower. She says she is however I’m due in March and was planning on having my shower early February. She still has not yet found a place for it and is not even close to getting out invitations so I’m a bit worried. My mom passed away 9 years ago and my sister lives out of state but is preoccupied with her divorce to plan anything for me anyway. So my MIL Is the closest family I have.

I am wondering about how this works if she does throw me a shower. Does she get the final say in who is invited or is it me? I’m curious because she wants to invite my husbands cousin. Neither one of us like his cousin and I would not feel comfortable if she were there. She was married about 5 years ago and I was not invited to her wedding. She also had a kid a few years ago and we found out through other family members. My MIL insists that she be invited even though my husband and I do not want her there. My MIL is also planning on inviting my husbands cousins girlfriend. I have only met her once about 3 years ago and can’t remember because it was my SILs wedding and I was very intoxicated. My MIL also insists on inviting her which makes me uncomfortable because I don’t even know her.

I am just curious if anyone else is in the same situation. If so are you just letting it go or putting your foot down and saying no to inviting them? I don’t know what to do. My MIL is making me out to be the bad guy here because I don’t feel like they should be invited. Maybe I am the bad guy since she’s nice enough to throw me a shower? Any advice is helpful.