Fed up 😤

I'm so done. I know it seems dramatic, but I am to the point of wanting to delete this app until I give birth! So many "my January baby is here early" and I'm just like?! 😡😩😤 CMON!!!!

I'm in so much pain and I'm so done and so jealous. I'll be 38 weeks Wednesday and I just can't take this anymore. I wanted to start pumping tonight (no it does not effect the amount of colostrum baby will get, I'm already leaking puddles) and bouncing on my yoga ball at the same time. But my husband is..... SICK. Yup. Someone from his work didn't fucking stay home and now he's sick. So now I can't even try for anything because god forbid baby comes and immediately catches this dumb shit.

I also want to give it long enough to make sure my toddler and I aren't sick. Oh what a wonderful time of the year to be a swollen freaking WHALE 🐳🐳🐳🐳

(And before anyone jumps down my throat about "39 weeks is full term" you can kindly already F off 😊😊😊😊)