Positive Digital after 4 Miscarriages


Good morning!

I had a dream a few weeks ago that God talked directly to me in the dream. He told me I conceived on November 15th and that I would have my positive pregnancy test by Christmas, as my husband and I had asked of Him, and that our babies name is Natalie, which means something along the lines of, “Gift from God on Christmas Day:” Yesterday we got a blaring positive on a FR gold line test, and this morning a positive on FR gold digital.

Just wanted to share my story quickly before getting ready for work with some ladies who I know will appreciate it and celebrate it with me.

When you have consecutive MC’s people stop celebrating with you as much, but I’m just as excited and I just feel much better this time during all of this physically!

To all the ladies out there who have had losses; your time WILL come. Merry Christmas!!!