12/26 Results


Okay girls so my cheapie tests are getting darker 🤗 and I got results from my blood work. So on 12 DPO my HCG was 58 and then 2 days later at 14 DPO it was 201. They look for numbers to double every 48 hours so they were very happy with that! I have my first ultrasound on January 17th 🙏🏼 I pray every night for God to wrap his hands around this bebe and keep it safe. I also pray for you ladies to get your BFP this cycle. Here is my final chart, I stopped temping and checking my cervix at 14 DPO because I don't want to stress. I also could easily peak with ultrasound but I refuse to do that as well because I peaked a lot with my last pregnancy and everything looked perfect, heartbeat and all, and I still lost it. So I decided I am just letting God do his thing and I'm taking a backseat 😊