Stiff hips and pelvis popping?


I’m 37+6 weeks and I’ve been sleeping on the couch for probably a good month or so because my bed started to hurt my hips. I turn less now as it takes longer for my hips to get sore but when I wake up my pelvis and hips hurt so bad, almost as if they are stiff. It started a couple weeks ago and it’s gotten progressively worse. I can barely walk when I wake up and a lot of times as I’m getting off the couch or when I go to sit on the toilet my pelvis will actually make a cracking or popping sound. Baby is starting to engage and my 2 year old insists on sleeping on the couch with me so those are things to keep in mind but does anyone have any tips to help this a bit? I know it won’t go away until I have the baby but at least a little bit of relief would be nice.