Why can he never give me a straight forward answer

Legit I trust him a million percent but when I asking him a basic question I have to ask them 10 follow up questions to get my answer. Example he went out to lunch with his dad, okay no issue but we share locations and I see he’s in the next state over and was wondering where they went legit tells me what he ate, what town he’s in everything except the answer to my question was what restaurant are you at! Reason being I’m a picky eater but like to go out and wanted to see if they had a good menu. Another example he was talking to an old friend from hs that he never really liked so I saw him snap chatting them and I go what did you talk about, he goes oh they just said happy bday, so I go that’s all nothing else etc well an hour later I ask again since I noticed the emoji was there that said they were talking for awhile turns out they and a long convo since the guy is looking for a job so I gave him a few places to call etc. I never ask in a mean way of anything I just don’t get why he can never give me the truth and answer the question from the beginning especially over pointless things. It drives me crazy!! Any one else do this. Anytime a girl dm’s him or anything like that he tells me immediately so Ik he’s not hiding shit like that but still