Am I the crazy one?

I’m sitting here, stupidly awake at 4:21 in the morning while my 2.5 month old is sound asleep.

My in laws are going to be the death of me I swear.

Okay where do I begin? My in laws live in Florida and my husband and I live in Colorado. We don’t see them often but when we do, it’s basically hell. They are so far up our asses I want to pull my hair out.

I guess I’ll make bullet points to try and make this as short as possible.

•My mil calls my child her baby. Yes, some may say it’s not that big of a deal but I have caught her multiple times also calling herself “mama”

•Both my mil and fail keep trying to give my 2.5 month old adult food (bread, butter, mashed potatoes with bacon in them) we were actually told that they successfully gave him mashed potatoes behind our backs.

•My mil INSISTS (literally every time I put him in his car seat) that I put a heavy snow suit on my child under his belt buckles. “How does the car seat know the difference?” 🙄

•they are constantly letting their dog lick my child’s face and always have that dog in my child’s face after I’ve told them 100000 times not to

•they are constantly talking shit to everyone about my husband and I’s personal business and making lies about us. Saying our house is a mess (I had a basket of unfolded laundry) and saying we never have food (we don’t eat meat so when they come they obviously buy their own groceries)

•My mil changed his diaper for the 2nd time since he was born and literally played with his penis. I was so fucking shocked I couldn’t even say anything

•My fil (not even blood family, he’s my husbands step dad) kisses my child constantly and calls himself grandpa

•Their dog locked herself in our car and we got stuck in the cold until it could be unlocked. My baby was crying and the entire time they were only concerned about the damn dog

•My mil is constantly trying to put extra layers of clothing on my baby. She has made him over heat three times (he was profusely sweating)

•they are always waking my baby up on purpose. Picking him up when he’s sleeping

•they wake us up every morning coming into our room at 6am

•whenever someone besides them is holding the baby, they immediately take my baby from them as soon as I exit the room

•they always bring up my family life and use it as an excuse because I “didn’t have love as a child” which isn’t true at all.

All in all I just feel like as a parent I’m not respected as a parent. None of my wishes are ever listened to and I’m always the bad guy. I “make them feel unwelcome and uncomfortable” I can’t even breastfeed my son without being shut away in my room because it “makes them uncomfortable” and they are NEVER wrong ever. I’m always the one apologizing even when I don’t feel as though I’m wrong. I honestly feel like they are going to ruin my marriage and make me want to leave. I don’t know what to do 😭

Of course I’ve talked to my husband about all of this. And he’s talked to them but it does nothing