Needing baby dust!!👶🏻

Alicia • 20 years young | married 💕 | TTC baby #1 👶🏻

So I’m not really new here, I started using this app for my periods and just to see these amazing stories from everybody and it’s really encouraging. So a little back story about me, I’m 20 years young and married to a great man, we have been together for over 4 years and married for over 2. We’ve been trying for a baby for over a year and then I found out I had PCOS and a bunch of small cysts on my right ovary, but everything came back normal. I have HORRIBLE periods, they last months at a time, very painful and very heavy. I ended up in the hospital in August because I was non stop bleeding for 3 months and I started birth control and it didn’t even help the bleeding let alone stop it, that same month I saw a new OB and he knew exactly what to do, he put me on 4 birth control a day!! To stop my period and got less and less every 2 weeks, then in November,l I started 50 mg of clomid and found out I ovulated but didn’t get pregnant so now I’m at my 2 week wait for my second round of clomid and I’m feeling totally discouraged, I know it’s only been 2 months and I’m young and still have time, but I’ve been waiting for 2 years and it just seems impossible. I see so many people get pregnant on accident and are over joyed and that’s great! But it’s hard when you try everything and so hard and nothing. Just needing some encouraging words.