My cat told me I’m pregnant. Twice.

Jess • Wife 💑. Boy mom: August 2018👶🏼 & December 2019 👶🏼. Dog mom🐶. Cat mom🐱. Expecting our next nugget February 2022 🤰🏼

I know it may sound absolutely nuts, but my husband and I started ttc over the summer. Three or four cycles into trying, during the tww, our cat started laying his head on my lower stomach sitting on my legs and would sleep literally along side my stomach ALL night long. I took a pregnancy test because of his constant stomach attention and bam! My first bfp. From the day I tested, he went back to normal and left me alone for the most part. (He literally sat on the sink and watched me test)

Unfortunately I miscarried at 6w2d and my doctor gave me the go ahead to try again as soon as we were emotionally ready. Well we are ready to have a baby so we got right after it.

My very first cycle my meow did the same thing! I had taken a test that was negative and the very next evening our cat alerted me again. Assuming it wasn’t a coincidence, I went to the store the next day bought tests, waited for fmu and got my bfp again! And my cat has moved on again.

I’m beginning to think I need to just stop buying tests altogether and call the doc when the cat notifies me lol! Just wondered if anyone else has had their own pregnancy alert system?

Praying for a healthy full pregnancy and baby dust to all 💙