After 8 years of trying and being desperate for a baby between me and my husband I finally found out...

After 8 years of trying and being desperate for a baby between me and my husband I finally found out that I am pregnant, 8 long years and a miscarriage. It has broken us both, but I can't be excited about my pregnancy right now because my husband and I have finally succumb to the troubles of married life and our desperate need to feel like a family. We have always felt incomplete, we have become just roommates and due to all the issues we were having we had no choice but to separate...😫😭 we hit a bad patch for so many years but we were desperate to make our marriage work. We couldn't, we made each other so so unhappy. awhile after being separated I made a mistake by sleeping with someone else as I had no hope my marriage would ever work. Now I am pregnant but I have no idea who's baby it is. While we were separated my husband and I slept together a few times, sometimes in the same week as I'd slept with the other guy. I don't know what to do...we were separated but still married, I can't carry on with the guilt of what I did so I asked my husband for divorce. He begged me to change my mind,I have broken this man and I can't even tell him why. This baby might be his but he can't even know until after its born and I know who's kid it is. I don't wanna lose my husband but I can't live with him after what I did. That is the reason that I am finally pregnant but I can't even be happy about it or enjoy it.