Wake times?

Amanda • 35 | Vivian Lee 9/11/2017 & Henry Lee 4/24/2019 👧🏼💗💙👶🏻

How do you all BF mamas deal with wake times? I feel like my LO gets overtired but the wake time for 3-4mos old is like 60-90min from averages I read online??? That literally is no time at all when BF. Sometimes she nurses for 40min!! I mean she can take a bottle in 10min so yeah she’d have a lot more time. Her BF lasts 10-40min depending on how long she wants to go for. I don’t stop her.

I find I have a hard time getting her down for attempting naps in time during the day before her wake time goes too long. Like then it gives her no playtime in between. I can’t expect her to wake up. Nurse. And go back to sleep in 20min with no activity lol. First of all I can’t even lay her down for floor time right after she eats cause she’ll spit up.

What do you ladies do??? She typically is on the wake, eat, play schedule. That’s just how it usually starts from morning. Sometimes it shifts as the day goes on cause her naps are pretty irregular still. But how can I make sure I’m getting her to nap quick enough so she doesn’t get overtired. Not to mention in between during her wake times I gotta get a shower in there, 2 meals and laundry or whatever else lol.

So especially in the morning when she wakes up she’s last been sleeping about 2-3hrs since her 5am bottle. So I typically feed her but that 1st one usually goes 40-45min!!! Then I put her in bouncy and jump in shower and try to squeeze in some playtime before getting her to nap.

Which are also still a struggle. She’ll sleep on me 2hrs no problem! But only like 30–45 min in her bed 😩 even after trying to get her to sleep sometimes for 30min probably cause she’s either over tired or under stimulated??? She fights sleep so bad. As it is she gets only like 13-14hrs a day.

However she sleeps well over the night like 6/7 hours then up for a bottle then back to sleep for 2/3 hrs. She’ll even put herself back to sleep if she wakes over those sleeps. Daytime sleep is a challenge though. I feel like cause BF can take up so much time. I feel like she’s sleep deprived cause of it sometimes. 🤷🏻‍♀️

Now different story today. She got up at 915. Nursed 45min. Popped off the boob asleep. So she’s been asleep on me like almost 45min now!!! 😩 if I try to move her she’ll wake up. But the time she did fall asleep was within her “wake time” but it was while nursing. Ugh what to do!!!! 😬