There is hope I promise!

Jade • 💍12.04.2015 RJH02.03.2018💖 baby#2 due June 2021🥰 baby Girl! 💗 Mom of girls!

So I’m going to share with you my story of trying to conceive.

So my husband and I got married 12-04-15 I had stoped my birth control (Depo) in October well around June my husband said he wanted to try for a baby so I started tracking my cycle and buying pregnancy test well my period was coming every 3 months

so I went to the doctor and they said I might have pcos because my testosterone levels were higher than they were supposed to be I was crushed I wanted a baby so bad. So we continued trying cuz we’re like we can bet the odds and I wasn’t really diagnosed with pcos they just had a felling that I did.

Then I started doing research on PCOS and the Depo shot well what I found is the Depo can really mess with your body when you have been on it for a year or more and I was in that percentile that was taking it for around 2 years.

So then in December we moved back to Texas and my cycles had turned back to normal me and my husband has a few marital issues in February and March but in April we decided it was our last months trying because of financial reasons so in may I bought some ovulation test just to see if I was right on when I could get pregnant.

Well at the end of May I went to Arizona to watch my baby sister graduate high school and I just wasn’t myself. I was snapping at my mom and my littlest sister who is only 6. I knew my period was due in a few days but I couldn’t understand what I was being a big bitch to everyone. Well me and my mom the next get before I was supposed to leave we were gonna go out and drink well I started feeling sick so I said let’s just have a fire in the back and I’ll drink soda cuz I don’t feel to good. My mom gave me a look and I said don’t even say it I’m not pregnant!

Well I left the next morning and I was like I gotta test when I get home. So when I get home me and hubby have amazing sex cuz I hadn’t seen him in 7 days cuz I was in Arizona visting family. Well after he went to work I decided hey it wouldn’t hurt to take one now my period was supposed to come 2 days before that and didn’t well I took the test and as soon as I dipped the test I saw a pink line where I normally had never seen before so I wait a little longer and it’s true I was pregnant I took a picture and sent it to my best friend and she was like no way!

Well I was a nervous wreck all day finally when my husband got home from work I showed him the stick and he’s like your joking right!? I said nope we’ve got a peanut.

Well a couple days pass and I go into carenet and get a free pregnancy test so that I can confirm I’m pregnant and so I can get medicaid for my whole pregnancy well as soon as the lady said yes your pregnant I about died! I hugged her and she said yep and handed me a paper that said I was about 4 weeks pregnant called my husband and he still didn’t believe me

3 weeks later my mom came down and we had a ultrasound at the same clinic that gave me conformation I was pregnant for free at first I only had my husband and mom in the room when we saw our peanut for the first time my husband cried cuz he didn’t believe me for 3 weeks that I was truly pregnant he was looking at the screen and then look at me and he said that our little peanut!!

So this is my story I hope it helps all you mommas out there who have been on the Depo that there is still hope it just takes time to get back on schedule. I am now 34 weeks and 1 day patiently waiting on our baby girl to arrive so ready but test so scared at the same time!