
I have never done this before but maybe I can see if anyone has had the same problems or can maybe get some advice. At the age of 16 I was put on the birth control shot....was on it for 2 years. I was off it for about 1-1 1/2 had 1 period in the time. I got to my family dr in Jan 2017 she puts me on birth control pill for 2 months. Have regular periods on those 2 months. Get off of it I don't get a period until the last day of May, then I start having a period every other week...well I haven't been ovulating this whole entire time! I had a pelvic ultrasound my levels are fine, the only thing is I am not getting enough estrogen to my ovaries to make me ovulate. My dr wants me to be on birth control for 3 months to see if that helps. Tomorrow I will be going on my last month. I go back Jan 17th to see if its. helping. Anyone ever have anything like this advice? Me & my husband are really wanting a baby. ❤