Should I be worried?

Lucy • 👪

So Wednesday evening, nurse from the GYN called & left a message to call back since my results from my pep smear came in.

I called back Friday since I couldn’t understand the voicemail ( nurse was talking so fast and me being deaf I didn’t hear her said she’s from the GYN office.)

Hubby told me to call back so I did Friday morning. They ended up calling me back while I was up in the air flying back home. By the time I landed they had been closed since they close at 12 on Friday’s.

I looked online to see if they posted my results, they didn’t, so now I’m worried. Back in January I had hpv but they left me a message stating my pap was abnormal & when I got retested my doctor emailed me, this time nothing but to call back. I sadly have to wait till Tuesday but I’m curious should I be worried?

My mom thinks if something was wrong they would’ve told me, I would think so esp since I’m 13 weeks pregnant so I’m doing my best not to worry.