Wrong to be upset?

So, I’ve been watching my cousins daughter for her while she’s at work. 4am-2pm or 4am-6pm. She’s not paying me nor have I asked because I know times are hard and she is struggling. Anyways, she was going to let her step dad who’s only been around a few weeks watch her 2 year old daughter while she is at work and I didn’t feel comfortable with that and I offered to watch her that way I know she’s safe and what not. We live in the mid west at tonight going into tomorrow is going to be in the negatives as well as icy roads. I told her that I’d like to get her daughter tonight that way her daughter dosnt have To get out in that cold, I wouldn’t want my own kids in that cold. She said no which is fine I couldn’t go a night without mine but I’m watching her daughter for free, getting up on my day off at 3am to drive across town to pick up her daughter and she won’t let her come tonight? Am I wrong to be upset? I want to tell her I can’t watch her anymore but I feel bad for her daughter.