I want to move in with my bf but I’m under age

Hey guys, so I’m 17 (supposedly age of consent in Tx is 17) & I want to move in with my boyfriend who’s in his early 20’s. I want to because my mom treats me like shit. She verbally abuses & shames me. I’ve been dating my bf since I was around 15 and he knows the hell that I have to put up with. I’m at my tip end’s of moving out because of her behavior lately. I have not been disrespectful at all to her in hopes that she’ll cool off but it’s as if it triggers her more the fact that I act like what she says doesn’t bother me. Can he get in trouble anyway if she were to call the laws on him? Also, this is the guy I lost my virginity to which was consensual.

P.s. moving in with relatives is not an option