Sister in Husband's Porn Folder?

I'm at a loss for words. For starters, it was my birthday. My husband and son were napping. My phone was in the back room charging, so as usual, I used my husband's phone to play around on while watching TV. I went to close out the apps and my sister's face popped up in one of the recently opened tabs. caught off guard, I screenshotted it...And then clicked to see why TF my sister's face would be recently pulled up on my husband's phone. It was in an app called "Photobucket." SO MANY screenshots from porn. Porn? I don't care about. But he clearly downloaded and cropped pictures of his ex and my sister and saved them to this app. Oh, he had two of my boudoir shots saved- sure... but he saved pictures of my sister before and after those. Upon confronting him, he said that the pictures of his ex were on there because he went through my old laptop and saw pictures of me and my ex together- which is an event that actually happened but WTF. You save pictures of your ex in a jack off folder to punish me? Bc somehow I'll just stumble upon them? He claimed that he thought I went through his phone, saw pictures of his ex, and didn't care. So he stepped up his "punishment" and saved pictures of my sister. But since the initial blow out, he refuses to acknowledge that those pictures were on his phone. He swears up and down he has no idea how pictures of my sister ended up in his jack off folder. He claims he hasn't had that app downloaded on his phone in "so long." He claims he has no idea how the app downloaded onto his phone or how those pictures got there. I'm literally about to vomit thinking about it and it has been over a month. We went to counseling last week over it. The woman pushed her religion instead of focusing on how to work through this-or even just how to communicate and be honest with each other. I'm not stupid. He did this. I know he is hoping this will just get swept under the rug like every other issue. But I can't. I was so excited to find out we are expecting baby #2. And now... I have NO emotion toward this man. I guess I just needed to vent- and maybe ask what in the ever loving fuck I should do next. I can't go to friends about this. I am BEYOND humiliated.