
Hi beauties ❤️ My boyfriend’s 24th birthday is coming up on the 22nd and I want to do something special for him. I’ve seen a lot of girls post about their “her love for you is so big it reached...” gifts for their SO’s and I thought it was such a good idea. So, I’m doing it 😊 He’s been a firefighter for 6 years now and it is his life! So I was thinking somehow I can incorporate his passion in this gift somehow. And if anyone in here can help me out, it would be incredible. What I want to do is get a picture of a note at your guys’ local Fire Departments saying


Emily’s love for you is so big, it reached ______ Fire Department in ________”

Whether the actual Department is in the background, the apparatus is in the background, or anything like that (trust me if you ask to take pictures in the bay of the engines they usually don’t care) I’m literally just now thinking of this and if anyone wants to help me I’ll love you forever! I literally need every single state... Soooo, go!