Formula to breastmilk, advice please!


I feel like a failure already, but I'm determined to make this work.

First and foremost my son is 10 days old.

In the hospital I decided to formula feed my child because I was in a lot of pain and he wasn't latching, even on a nipple shield. But had no issues with a bottle. So me and my husband decided to formula feed. Ever since then I have a huge amount of guilt about it. I feel very selfish.

My milk supply is crazy and I can't stop leaking so I decided to pump. I can pump atleast two ounces even though I haven't tried anything since the hospital. I decided to give my son one ounce of breastmilk, and one ounce of formula. Separate bottles.

Will I starve him by switching??

He has already had a pacifier so will he ever be able to latch? (Going to call lactation consultant after this New Year!)

Any other advice would be great. Thanks.