Af due 1/10, O’d on 12/28



I’m 24 (25 on January 20) from NY, near Lake Erie (so not nyc lol). I’ve been TTC consistently for six months, with a few additional scattered months when my fiancé and I were long distance but visited each other. I had two MCs four and five years ago (not my fiancé’s), each in the first trimester. No luck conceiving since.

I have PCOS and take metformin to regulate my cycle. My fiancé had a semen analysis in early December and another one is scheduled for the second week of January then blood work in February. My gynecologist said due to my past and present reproductive history we should start seeking a fertility specialist after December which was the sixth month mark. So I have to schedule that sometime soon.

My next AF is due (but not wanted!) on 1/10/18. I O’d on 12/28/17. I have slightly irregular cycles but they’re getting better. Currently, they’re around 30 days long. I didn’t use opks this month or anything due to holiday stress. I monitored my CM but that’s all. Last month, I bled from a week before my period for about ten or so days and had tests to make sure I didn’t have any issues. The ultrasound did show the cyst on my left ovary was gone, so that was good.

Anyone want to be cycle buddies? I’ve never had one 😳

Lots of baby dust to you all!