Horrible pressure/pain in pubic area!


Any other mamas have horrible pressure in their pubic/pelvis sometimes accompanied with stabbing pains ((and TMI)) I feel like my vagina is going to explode! (and not in a good way 😅). I can't stand for very long without this happening, so I'm confined to the couch most of the day, or I end up in tears from overdoing things. Just curious if anyone else went through this ,how long it took to recover, and if you have any magical remedies😉 I take up to 3 baths a day with Epsom salt and have been religious with the kegals the last few days. (I'm 11 days PP) Edit: I forgot to add in there that I had minor tearing. One at the vaginal opening, one small labial, and another labial about an inch in length right by the urethra.