What should I do?


So I really need some help if you guys don’t mind...

Back in September my mum passed away from a five year battle with cancer. When it first happened I was in pieces but my ‘best friend’ wouldn’t be there for me (I found out from her bf who is another of my friends) that she didn’t want to get sad or depressed. This alone was super painful because I was in a really bad place and yet my bestie didn’t want to know. I tried to put it passed me but it created a gap between us. I eventually tried to sort things just after it had been two months after my mum died and she said some really unkind things:

-that it was two months so I should be over it

-that I wasn’t trying to get over it

-that everyone loses their parents

It really hurt but thinking back she’s been unkind before. She once told me my anxiety makes her uncomfortable and though my family took her on holiday she wasn’t very thankful.

Some of my friends think I should forget it and move on but others have told me to cut her out completely. What should I do??