WHAT is going on ladies??!

Hollie • Mom of two boys and Baby #3 born in September!

So I posted a couple of days ago with some pictures of my positive tests... I actually took two and the last one was a lot darker. But this was 4 and 5 days before my period was supposed to come. I have been having cramping on and off like af is going to come. It was due yesterday and I did have a very small amount of blood come out. But then it tampered off to a very small amount of brown. Like it just ended and the cramps have seemed to disappear. I'm not sure what's going on as I am pretty regular. I don't have another test to take at the moment but will do so if nothing else happens???! I guess my question would be has anyone experienced this before and still be pregnant? Picture was of last test I took 4 days before period was due.