Amniocentesis? Should we get one done? Anyone done one?


My fiancé and I are expecting our first child together. As of today our baby is 13 weeks and 4 days!

This is her fifth child, and this is my first, but we are both very excited.

To keep it short, we did a NIPT, or non invasive prenatal test by having her blood drawn so it could test for anything that might be wrong, as well as the gender. The results came back negative for Down Syndrome, Fragile X, and is Spinal and Muscular atrophy, but when it came to the gender, it was stated as inconclusive and abnormal.

We go back to the doctor on the 24th to talk to a genetic counselor and a doctor. Doing some research, it’s rare, but sometimes the results cannot give a definitive answer for the gender by doing these tests. Whether it’s by not having enough of the fetal DNA in the sample taken, taken too early (she was 11 weeks and 3 days when we did the blood test), or by human or lab error, or if it is in fact an indication that something might be wrong, such as Turner’s syndrome, Edward’s syndrome, Klinekelter’s, or Patau’s syndrome, and that is why we didn’t get a gender result.

Nevertheless though, the amniocentesis will test for anything that could be wrong with 100% guaranteed accuracy, as well as the gender, but it runs a slight risk of miscarriage. (0.5%). Yes, I know it’s a small percentage, but it’s still scary. It took us almost a year to conceive, something that was very frustrating, and I would be heartbroken if something happened to our baby, or if something was wrong. What are everyone’s thoughts on getting an amniocentesis done? Is is worth the risk to you, or would you rather just wait until ultrasounds or until the baby is born?

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