She’s here!!


It was insane! I had cervical ripening (they put a gel up there) to prep for my induction on Tuesday, and then had acupuncture right after.. I was set to come in for 8am yesterday, but i was in strong pre-labour all evening Tuesday and my water broke at 5:30.. we got to the hospital by 630 and I was already dialated to a 2, they started the induction drugs at 8:15, and by 10:30 it was so crazy intense I had dialated to a 7!I asked for a epidural, which almost didn’t make it in time.. he arrived at 11:30, and I was already feeling intensely I had to push, Kalan (my partner) had left for the bathroom and almost missed it! I pushed for 15 mins, baby was starting to show signs that she wasn’t agreeing with the delivery so the OB suggested suction or foreceps, I went w suction and baby came out in two pushes! She had the cord around her neck which, because of the quick thinking on my drs part, was no issue!

Had one 2nd degree tear (out of 4 degrees so not the worst) and needed some sticthes, baby

ut that’s it!

I’m feeling pretty good, my lady bits feel on fire but that’s what happens when you torpedo out a baby lol

Sequoia Donmoyer born at 12:18pm Jan 3td weighing 7lbs 1oz and measuring 19 1/4 inches long! So excited to be mama! 😍💕