8 months still no solids

Shalee 🦊

So let me explain we waited till 6 months before introducing solids, my son is now 8 months and still won't eat it. We've tried baby cereal, homemade purées, store bought puréed, steamed whole food, vegetables, fruits, meats, cheese and yogurts but nothing. He'll put it in his mouth and maybe get a little bit of it, but if he has a cookie, or cracker or anything and it brakes off in his mouth or he gags or chokes on it like babies do he's done. He will refuse it and cry and make a big fuss until I breastfeed him. He doesn't use bottles or pacifiers so please don't offer that as a solution because he has never used or liked them. I really need help getting this little guy on solids he really needs it but won't take it.