Girl Code

I really feel bad for some of these children who are already here and unborn. Because the way some of you women treat others is downright sad and your babies are going to grow up thinking that's the right way to act. You know who you are. Stop and think of the way you're treating other women who you should be lifting up as sisters and helping on this journey. How would you feel if someone was as catty and cruel to YOUR kid? How would you feel if you found out your kid acted the way you do to others? No wonder we have a problem in society today. It costs $0 to be nice. You don't feel like being nice? Then move along. You don't have to say anything at all. Keep scrolling. Your babies will watch you like a hawk and mimic your behavior. Think about how you're raising your kids. They are our future and we can't raise them to be self entitled little assholes. Step up and be a good example for the kids. Step up and treat someone with kindness today. Be respectful. Be happy with who you are and learn its okay to be happy for other people. I'm so tired of some of the rudeness I read on here. It's so easy to do when you're not face to face with someone. I want to see encouraging uplifting comments. Most of us are pretty good on here so this isn't directed towards y'all following the girl code. Please let's just be NICE 😌 we all have off days and I'm guilty too. But before you hit send think is this comment necessary? Is it polite? That's all I ask. I'm not trying to be a jerk but I think it's a reminder we all need once in awhile. Let's remember to look at the big picture ladies. Thank y'all have a great night ❤