HSG test experience

Michelle • Married 05.22.15 with baby girl ❤️ pregnant with baby #2 due 2022

So my husband and I have been trying for two years now and finally did the hsg test. I read numerous stories of how some ladies experienced no pain or horrible pain so I went in thinking maybe it wouldn't be that bad....as I walked in I felt like I was another piece of cattle waiting to be slaughtered. It was such a quick procedure sooooo painful AND I was bleeding after that which I wasn't anticipating. The cramps I experienced mimicked how I usually get cramps but a lot worse. I felt like my uterus was going to explode and I started crying so hard on the table and hoped that the nurse would atleast hold my hand because it was sooo uncomfortable but then again I'm thinking when I have a baby it's going to hurt more than this 😩I was very emotional throughout the day not sure if that thing he put inside me traumatized me lol or the pain. The doctor then told me that one side was fine but my tube is going in a circular way and the other one looks partially blocked. Then I would have to go to my obgyn to get further results after..my insurance doesn't cover the procedure but I felt like for ten minutes it just seemed so fast to give me a quick analysis of if my tubes were open or not for $675. I don't even want to do anything invasive like this anymore and just hope we conceive naturally.