Disgusting and pregnant

Em • Have a beautiful little baby boy 😌♥️

I’m 26 weeks pregnant, I feel like absolute shit.

So far I’ve put on 11kg. I used to be 47 and now I’m 58, I know it’s healthy and I’m so glad by baby boy is big and healthy but I feel absolutely disgusting in myself. I have pimples all over and nothing is making them go away.

I’ve put on weight everywhere, my arms, my legs (SO MUCH) and I now have a double chin that was not there before lol. I know some people think 58 kg is nothing but when You’re used to being smaller it’s just a shock. I’m only 5’1 so I was already fairly curvy.

I feel guilty but I honestly don’t want to leave the house, get out of bed or do anything. I just want to lay in bed all day and hide. I have no energy and every time I stand I get extremely sore feet.

I don’t have any friends as i don’t work and I’m a stay at home wife. I did have 1 friend but we aren’t talking anymore.

How can I feel confident and comfortable?

My partner wants to take me swimming at the public pool tomorrow but I feel absolutely terrible and cried at the thought. I don’t want to be a drama queen but I feel so self conscious and yucky 😣 it’s gotten to the point when I look in the mirror sometimes I just cry :/

Please help. I don’t want to feel like this anymore.