Still absolutely heartbroken!!

Grace • Gryffindor. Potterhead!

Two years ago today was literally the worst day of my entire life! My fiancé and I were 21 weeks with our first son together! We were beyond excited and so ready for our son to come! Just not in the way he did! I woke up in the middle of the night and my water broke all over our bedroom floor! We called the doctor and he said to wait until I was in active labor!! 😔😔 so I waited! In tears the entire time! I knew it wasn’t going to end well but the pain I would feel is something I could not have prepared myself for! I got to the hospital around 9am still not in active labor yet but I couldn’t wait any longer. They did the ultrasound and saw that yes my water broke and my son was in there with no fluids! Even though I already knew my heart was then officially broken! They give me medicine to start my labor. I progressed very quickly! The next thing I knew I coughed and out comes my son! He was alive and absolutely perfect! I just couldn’t understand why this happened! My doctor still doesn’t understand why it happened!! This has been so hard on me and hasn’t gotten any better! Today is his birthday and I guess what upsets me the most is the only family members who seem to care/remember are him and I! I just thought that by now it wouldn’t hurt so much! And boy was I wrong! It feels no better today than it did two years ago! 💔💔💔