Braxton hicks ?

I'm 29 weeks pregnant and I'll be honest my pregnancy has been stressful. For the past 3 days I've been having "cramps" but they were intense I got them while I was shopping for this huge storm that was coming. I cried they last for 2 hours my stomach would tighten then stop and it'll happen all night. I tried to sleep it off but that tightens was still there the next morning. Later that night they came back again I curled up and started crying the baby was moving like crazy my stomach was shifting all over the place my husband told me to go to sleep and maybe next day will be better. I woke up at 1 am pain was stjll there again at 3 am. I don't remember Braxton hicks being like this. So I woke up at I am today and called my doctors office she was so shocked because Braxton hicks for 3 days now. The pain went away though but I called to get advice she didn't want to give me any only to wait she'll have the doctor call me asap should I be worried. Also I wear diapers at night just incase and mine was a little wet this morning don't know if that should be a concern.