Miracle baby

Two and a half years ago my husband and I went through a rough time. I found out I was pregnant at 4 weeks, but had a miscarriage at 8weeks which ended up being 4 days before my birthday. This was also 7 months after the death of my brother. I was devastated. Other women kept telling me it wasn’t my time and I’d have another one but I didn’t want to hear that. We kept trying and eventually I gave up. I separated from my husband because I wasn’t happy. I decided I didn’t want to bring a baby into the world when I wasn’t happy. I honestly didn’t think he deserved me. Fast forward to a few months ago. I started dating a guy and we fell in love. Unfortunately his brother ends up passing away this past October in a car accident (the same way as my brother) my brother died October 17, 2014. His died October 21st, 2017. Well, November came but my period didn’t. We found out I was pregnant. I went to the ER because I was in pain. They gave me a PT and confirmed my pregnancy. They sent me to another hospital for an ultrasound just for them to tell me my pregnancy was ectopic and I needed to get rid of it ASAP. They prepped me with an IV almost immediately. I was again devastated. The doctor comes in and takes my blood and decided to wait two days to see if my hcg level would rise. It did but after the pelvic exam I began to bleed. They ruled out the ectopic pregnancy and told me I had a failed pregnancy because I had a sac but it was empty. I kept bleeding so I went back. Again hcg level was rising but they didn’t see anything. I decided to go to another hospital who was able to give me an ultrasound and not the run around. I was able to see my baby and a heartbeat! Come to find out the other hospital measured me wrong and was 2 weeks off. They didn’t see anything because I was too early. I still ended up being high risk and threatening

a miscarriage. Around 2am this morning I began to bleed. I rushed to the ER just to find out I was okay and that my cervix was just irritated. I got to see how much my baby has grown from 7 weeks to 12. I’m so happy! I didn’t get to experience anything with my first pregnancy so this is exciting. I never thought it would happen for me. I actually gave up. There was a plan for me and I am forever grateful l. I can’t wait to meet the love of my life in July ❤️

7 weeks

12 weeks