Being a mom is hard

Kayla • Nora Elyse 12/8/17 💕

So far being a mom is not what I expected.

We wait 9 months in anticipation, excitement, joy, happiness, and sometimes fear for these wonderful babies to bless our lives.

But then we start settling into these new lives and routines and start realizing it is a million times harder than we thought, or at least that’s where I’m at.

Everyone talks about how wonderful and great babies are and how they are the biggest blessing. And while they are, no one talks enough about how TOUGH it is to tend to every need. Lately it feels like every feeding, every diaper, and every cry gets harder. But we push through....

The sleepless nights and the inconsolable crying makes me feel so helpless. I’ve cried more than I’ve laughed and I haven’t left the house in a long time because I’m afraid of a meltdown in the grocery or department store. But on the flip side, I’m dying to get out of the house and be a normal person again.

I love being a mom but it has been the most difficult thing I have ever done. These challenging times I believe are making me stronger and even though I feel sad and anxious most days, I above all feel such an abundance of love for this little one.

So if you feel the same, know you’re not alone and it will get easier ❤️