Post Partum Depression or Normal?


My mom and I had a fight (which we have resolved) the other day. I let myself feel the full weight of everything during the fight. Working 6 days a week, not having time for myself, feeling like I am not doing well enough at work, physical therapy (which I’m doing so my husband and I will be able to have sex again), feeling like I’m not doing well enough at being a mom. My baby isn’t moving yet at all (not reliably rolling, even) at 8 months. I’m so worried I’m not doing enough.

I KNOW in my heart that I’m adequate at all of those things, but I certainly am stretched too thin to really excel at any of them.

I just can’t seem to pull myself out of my funk since our fight (two nights ago). I’m crying more than I should. I feel like I’m over reacting and I’m overwhelmed.

Do you think I might have post partum stuff or do you think my reactions are somewhat normal?