My dear husband - perspective on stretch marks


My husband knows I’ve never really been comfortable with how my body looks and he always finds a way to make me feel beautiful either by saying it or showing me.

I still struggle with self image and even more now that I’m pregnant and stretch marks have come in full swing. I am already sad about how horrible my belly skin will look after giving birth.

He loves looking at and rubbing my belly and yesterday he says, “you know, I know you don’t like your stretch marks but they’re different for me. I still have photos of you when we first started dating in high school and seeing these marks shows me how far we’ve come from being teenagers, to getting married, and sharing love together, and now our baby. It’s like a history”

I’m bawling now as I write it because I will never forget those words. He made me see these ugly marks as something far deeper and beautiful than I imagined.

I’ve been unlucky in a lot in life but choosing him as my partner is the biggest jackpot I’ve ever had.