I don't know what to do😟

Currently 12weeks & 2days & I feel like such a terrible mom already. The 1st trimester has not been nice to me, at all. The morning sickness is really getting to me, especially on days like today when I don't feel good emotionally either. The gas, heartburn, & acid reflux have been crazy terrible, every single day. I feel like I can't do anything, I'm sure I've been eating less than 700 calories a day. And if I don't eat, it's nearly impossible to take my prenatal without it making me feel sick & causing me to throw it up, whether it be actual food, just water, or stomach bile. My energy is at its lowest & I recently found out my dad has cancer & he's currently in the hospital. So I haven't been doing well, at all. I'm scared my baby isn't getting all the nutrients they need. I also feel severely dehydrated & completely drained, depression seems to be making an appearance almost everyday now. I hope the 2nd trimester is good to me because I hate feeling this way ):