Does he like me or nah?

This isn’t really much of a confession, but it’s more like a rant. So I’ve been friends with this guy for around two years now. We flirted and hooked up once in the first year of knowing each other, but after a while I just got sick of him not making a move.

I met this other guy who I really liked, and we ended up dating. However my friend still kinda flirted with me. In the end my bf and i broke up and I started talking to my friend again. It wasn’t like we were together or anything and he never mentioned anything about us being a thing. So me being a free woman and just come out of a relationship slept with a couple of other guys. It’s not a big deal for me, but my friend got super angry and jealous and ended up not speaking to me for a few months. In the end I apologised (which I don’t think I needed to). After this we just stayed friends and hung out in our lil group and what not. However, about a month ago we went out clubbing and he kissed me and we ended up making out pretty much the whole night - he even fingered me at one point. After that night nothing was mentioned about it and we were fine, but in the past week he’s stopped talking to me again. I spent New Years with another guy friend that my confusing friend doesn’t like. I think he might be jealous, but idk.

Im seriously confused by this boy, like is he just jealous about my other friend? Does he like me or does he just not want to be friends anymore? I’m trying not to contact him, bc it’s always always me who apologises even when it’s not my fault. I just don’t know what to do anymore bc I really like this guy, and have done so for a long time!