subchorionic hemorrhage in second trimester


I found out around 6 weeks that I had a subchorionic hemorrhage. I was told by my doctor that I would probably still spot some. I have since spotted on and off anywhere from brown blood to bright red blood. I have had a couple of heavy bleeding episodes and would call my doctor, she would tell me to come in and we would do an ultrasound and everything was fine. The last ultrasound I had was at 11 weeks and they said the blood pocket was shrinking. I am now 14 weeks and two weeks ago I only had light brown blood then last week I didn’t bleed at all so I thought it was gone. Today I tried to go grocery shopping and started gushing blood in the store to the point where I just had to leave with no groceries. It would be a few minutes apart each time. Now four hours later and I’m still bleeding off and on. If the blood pocket was shrinking, why would I still be bleeding like this? Most stories I’ve read say that their blood pockets resolved after a couple of weeks and were gone by the second trimester. Should I have been referred to a high risk doctor by this point?