What do I do.... I just want to sleep 😩


Last time this happened I had no contractions to time. But they were picked up on the monitor at the hospital. I was dilated to a 2 but wasn’t progressing. I haven’t been checked since. It’s been almost two weeks. So I feel like I don’t even know 100% what I’m looking for but I definitely feel them!

Two hours ago I got horrible back pain and tried to sleep through it. I can’t. So I started trying to feel for contraction. I was able time an hours worth. But I just don’t know what to do 😭 I’d much rather try and get some sleep than go to labor and delivery. Just this back pain keeps getting worse and I’m having to pee every 5 seconds now 🙃

I’m 38 weeks

They definitely aren’t the 5:1:1 rule. So I have no idea what to do.