Have to vent!

Michelle • Boston : Mom of 3 expecting #4 💙💗💙💗

Went to my FIRST doctors appointment this morning at 12 weeks. I had previously went in for blood work at 6 weeks but this was my first appointment with a doctor. So it was very routine. Weight check , blood pressure, internal exam and heartbeat. All good. About an hour after my appointment I get a call from the nurse at the office saying the doctor has put in for an early glucose test because I’m slightly overweight. Ok. So a little back history...

This is my 4th child. 10, 6 and 6 months. I haven’t had much time to lose all of my last pregnancy weight so currently I’m 5’2 and 165lbs. Yes I understand I’m considered overweight but I have no history of diabetes in my previous pregnancies and I JUST had a baby.

Am I overreacting or do I have the right to be slightly annoyed this doctor called a very hormonal pregnant woman who is sleep deprived because I have an infant to tell me I’m slightly overweight and suggest this early test ?

I want to cry 😢

End of rant.

This was my most recent picture just a few days ago.

*All things considered I feel great and think I look pretty good for being pregnant with my fourth babe. Thanks to all the women who were supportive in this post. I appreciate it greatly.