That fitness life..


Mannn I was in gym class and we had to do a heart monitor testing..haha you thought bruh it was so funny because if I would doing the squats, jumping jacks, or the marching..I would over do it. I only did the squats and pretty much did booty drops. Like my ass touching the damn ground. People are screaming my name for how much I’m in doing in 2 minutes and afterwards people are still doing their other exercises while I get a bag of takis out of my pocket and start stuffing my face with em in the corner. This girl right beside me doing her thing says GIMMME SUMMM. And I was like bitch nooooo I was doing booty drops I earn this. She looking at me like she doesn’t know to go against or agree so I walk off with my hips shakin purposely noticeably

I kept doing it all the way to class Eaton my food then when I get home I see my parents working out while my ‘fit’ ass self is munching on takis.