my long days of contractions yet short birth


It all started Monday December 11 2017 my contractions were about every hour (Sunday they were hours apart) this is my first child so I was like ok it's about to happen yes

so my contractions were pretty strong so I went to the hospital and I was on 2 cm so they sent me home

long story short I went to the hospital Monday Tuesday Wednesday and Thursday by Wednesday my contractions were about 20 minutes apart I stayed 2 cm all those days I was passed my due date I was set to be induced Friday so Thursday comes im 41.1 weeks it's about 1 something in the morning and my contractions are every 2 to 10 minutes apart and I was dying lol

Well this time they decided to keep me due to my showing up everyday in severe pain cause I was HOLLERIN I was there for a couple hours in pain I finally got to 3 cm and they gave me some pain med thru IV called Stadol THAT SHIT HAD ME IN THE SKY greatest pain med ever literally worked in like 30 seconds so that put me to sleep for a bit I was finally able to get some rest cause I wasn't sleeping that whole week I woke up I was at 4 cm then they asked if I wanted an epidural cause they were gonna start me on pitocin since I wasn't progressing very much

so I said yes NEWS FLASH I am PETRIFIED of needles thought I was going to die i watched a video of someone getting one FYI Don't Do That epidural went great didn't feel a thing except the tube was a weird sensation but it didn't hurt I got the epidural they started me on pitocin they asked if I felt that I said felt what they said good lol I imagine it was a contraction I had just had did i mention I hadn't eaten for a whole day b4 I got to the hospital

anyway I still wasn't progressing much so they came every hour to up the pitocin I finally got to 8 cm I was exhausted Dr came said he'd break my water at 9 cm that didn't hurt either it was uncomfortable or anything of the sort it was quick and easy in fact I didn't even know that he'd done it he left came back again and so began my journey when they say you feel like u gotta take a humongous shit THEY MEAN IT lol that was the weirdest feeling EVER btw I had a respiratory infection so I needed oxygen cause I couldn't catch my breath during pushing I pushed for a whole 20 minutes his head got stuck in my vagina cause I really couldn't breath I need a break my boyfriend said his head was there for about 5 minutes he had a cone head for a day or 2

anyway his head was the hardest to get out his shoulders idk if was weird it was the greatest feeling his shoulders and the rest of his body coming out it was sooo warm and such a relief so while they were trying to get my son to cry (he was perfectly fine btw just a lazy baby his eyes were open he was breathing he just didn't want to cry lol) the Dr was stitching me because apparently I had an extra band in my vagina that made my hole rather small so the Dr had to cut that and then my son still ripped me a little more I had 7 stitches in all I was like

so the Dr that delivered my son was my gyno and also the Dr that told me I was pregnant the same Dr I made give me 3 pregnancy tests lml so they put my son on me and he goes no do u believe me that u were pregnant lmfl my whole pregnancy I was in denial then came time for the placenta to come out I thought I was gonna have to push that out to I was not ready for that I was

but nope he just wiggled it out and it was

I had to take a pic of it but that's my story and this is my baby boy Douglas Gianni

I've been in love ever since be strong ladies and when u feel like you can't do it just know that you can and it's all worth it such an indescribable love GOODLUCK