TTC 10 yrs, Endo compli, TMI Pics


Hey all I'm Sam and Ive been ttc for 10 yrs now with no so much as a scare. Saw an OBGYN and found an endometrioma I have surgery scheduled 2/15 for that. I also tested positive last month for an STI called Ureaplasma which is the thickening of the vaginal mucous making it difficult for sperm to travel to the egg and fertilize it. Went on a 2 week course of doxy along with my husband. Also on the 10th of Jan he is having a circumcision bc the skin when he is aroused pulls back and squeezed the tip of his penis til it turns purple and the urologist said that is not normal. Now I also had Gastric sleeve surgery 2/7/17 and haven't used protection or birth control since the surgery and I still have not fallen pregnant. I know surgery wasn't a 100% fix and answer to my problems but I cant help but continue to fall deeper into depression as all my friends have had children and now all the friends who had weigh loss surgery are now getting pregnant I just cant help but constantly think about it. If you have stuck around this long I appreciate it Im just looking for a friend and some support maybe someone who has struggled similarly and came out with a healthy pregnancy and baby? I feel so alone in this struggle and my depression and anxiety are gradually getting worse.

oh yea and this morning I started spotting and my period is not due for another week. I have also the low back pain, extreme tiredness and A day ago I was experiencing an itch at my vaginal opening no smell just intense itch with creamy discharge. Could that be implantation bleeding or am I just driving myself nuts? Here is a few pics.