I Almost Died


I wanted to share my story, but had been too emotional about the experience. Just a little background: I'm 29 and a first time mom.

I went into labor at 39w3d. My OB had already stretched me to 2.5cm 5 days before. Over the course of 8 hours, every time the P.A checked me, she said I was 3cm, even after 3 hours of pitocin...And every time she checked me, my blood pressure and baby's heart rate would dip.

Once I got my epidural, I had to stay sitting up because baby didn't like me laying down. Because of this, the epidural didn't work as well as it should have and I only had relief for about an hour. I suddenly felt a lot of pressure and nagged the P.A about it, but she insisted that I was still 3cm.

My OB recommended that we go in for a c- section since baby didn't like me being in labor, and I consented. When the P.A came in to check me again, I suddenly felt very nauseous. As soon as I was reclined back for a cervical check, I stated to crash. My blood pressure dropped to 60/40.

I remember there being 4 people in the room, then what seemed like 20 people. People were screaming, moving me all over to try and check me and baby, and fighting over what was best. Then I heard the house O.B screaming at the P.A that she screwed up, and I could have pushed hours ago.

Not only had I been dilated enough that baby was about to crown, but my placenta had ruptured. My placenta had been ruptured long enough that the blood was dark and sticky. Me sitting up acted like a tourniquet. My nausea wasn't from my nerves, it was because something was seriously wrong. How the hell did this PHYSICIANS ASSISTANT not know that I was bleeding internally?!

I was rushed to the OR and our little girl was born literally 2 minutes later. I was knocked out, and the last thing I remember was asking for my SO, but he wasn't allowed in. What was going to be a "normal" c section, turned into a emergency c section. My OB had to stop the c section he was in the middle of, and come to my rescue.

Our little girl is healthy, and I feel so blessed to be alive, and blessed that she does not have to grow up without a Mom.

And just for kicks because we all love a good in-law story...My MIL threw a hissy fit over my SO taking my parents to see me in recovery, before taking her to see the baby.