Can someone please tell me how to leave the house before noon

I thought I'd be better at this by now but I'm slow af. My daughter wakes up around 8-9am, I nurse her, make her breakfast, get her dressed, I eat, and try to keep her happy while I get dressed and put on make up. I go as fast as I can and I usually don't end up leaving the house until 12-1pm. That's even with me cooking and packing her lunch to take with us the day before and by the time i leave I'm already exhausted from running around like a maniac and this is with only one child. I see other moms talk about bringing their babies to baby classes or story times at like 9-10am and I seriously wonder how they do it. Do they skip breakfast and feed their child afterward? I'd love to do morning things with my daughter so any advice would be appreciated. How do you get out the door early?

I should probably add that my daughter is usually up multiple times through the night so we don't get much sleep. That's why she sleeps late. Also sometimes I can't get her to sleep until pretty late